The latest trend today is having plastic surgery on our pets. We, as a society, are after the perfect life; which includes are pets. In our struggles to achieve this perfection, we are now trying to come up with the perfect pet. Is it so important how we look much less how our pets look, that we elect to have unnecessary surgery done to the body that God has given us? Do we really know more then God? Did he not give us this body for a reason? It is bad enough that we choose this for ourselves but now we are forcing this on to our pets. Just because we want the perfect bred of dog. Soon we will try to make a poodle out of a pit bull. What gives us the right to play God with another living creature: to cause them harm; to make choices for them. I am sure that the animals themselves would never choose unnecessary surgery.
Who made us God?
I ask you are looks all that important?
From your roaming reporter. Zoom Zoom
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