Let's take another look at "The Good Old Days."
A lot of my childhood was spent with my grandparents and extended family. Each set of grandparents were unique and special. On my mother side my grandparents were strict, disciplined, and all about material goods. Before the depression they were quite wealthy but lost a lot in the depression; which in my opinion turned my grandmother into a bitter person. On my father's side, my grandparents were almost the complete opposite. They were all about their grandchildren and having fun; even though they were only poor dirt farmers. We spent most of our time with my father's parents. My father had two brothers and each of them had children of their own. Now it was a tradition to celebrate everybody's birthday and all the holidays together. This tradition ensured that we were together at least once every weekend if not more. When we got together it was just a big party. In the summer we would play kick ball........everyone would play.......from Grandpa to the youngest grand kid. There would be sandwiches, and cakes and ice cream. When I was young it truly was a Good Old Day time of my life. And then as I got older and started to see that they were not as good as I thought that they were. Grown ups bickering......little back stabling comments. Not the big happy family that I thought we were. And as they kids grew and got married the family suffered even more squabbles. Soon it was hard to find a time to get together for Christmas alone, much less for birthdays. As soon as Grandpa and Grandma pasted away so did all the get together. Ah........The Good Old Days!
From your roaming reporter Zoom Zoom.
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